intermittent thoughts
Something perplexing about UMAP
n_neighbors may not mean what you think it does.
Sheaves and Probability, Part 3
A topological perspective on message passing.
Sheaves and Probability, Part 2
A first try at using sheaves to solve marginalization problems in graphical models.
Sheaves and Probability, Part 1
How to represent some structures from statistics and probability using cellular sheaves and cosheaves.
Hybrid Systems and Homotopy Theory
Doing topology and engineering at the same time can be tricky.
Homology via Matrix Reduction 2: The Long Exact Sequence of a Pair
Algebraic topology is really just matrix algorithms.
Homology via Matrix Reduction
Algebraic topology is just matrix algorithms.
Buridan's Principle
Making decisions is actually impossible.
Hodge theory and persistent homology
Connections between two sorts of approximate topology through the singular value decomposition.
Flow-coloring duality
A discussion of an interesting interplay between algebraic topology and the combinatorics of graphs.
My attempt to understand a new algorithm for low-dimensional visualization of point cloud data.
A topologist's proof of the matrix-tree theorem
Spectral Sheaves
A summary of my thesis proposal.
Mapper and cosheaves
Some notes on a couple of papers fleshing out the connections between Mapper, Reeb graphs, and cosheaves.
Some less-than-intuitive examples with cellular sheaves
A few weird things I discovered while building intuition for cellular sheaves.
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